Our Work >> Marketing Brochure for New Development at The Barns
Case Study
iCreate produced this 16 page marketing brochure for our clients development in St Brides Major, South Wales.
The Barns was a select development of only six properties located in a countryside but close to the coast. Our team produced front and rear house type CGIs, a streetscence CGI, a 3D site plan rendering which all featued in this printed brochure to assist with off plan sales.
External house type CGIs
Streetscene renders
3D site plan CGI
Design and printing of the sales brochure
Want to discuss how we can get involved in your project? Call us today:
28 Uplands Crescent, Swansea SA2 0PB
Call today: 01792 824 894
130 Aztec West, Avon, Bristol BS32 4UB
Call today: 0117 223 2024